Doxygen documentation for the ocra-recipes repository
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 BoundFunction.hDeclaration file of the BoundFunction class
 CascadeQP.hDeclaration file of the CascadeQP class
 CascadeQPSolver.hDeclaration file of the CascadeQPSolver class
 CascadeQPStructures.hDeclaration file of the structures needed in CascadeQP
 ClientManager.hModule class for the controller Client
 CmlQuadraticSolver.hDeclaration file of the CmlQuadraticSolver class
 Composite.hUtility classes and functions to implement the Composite design pattern
 Constraint.hDeclaration file of the Constraint class
 ConstraintSet.hDeclaration file of the ConstraintSet class
 ContactAvoidanceConstraint.cppImplement contact avoidance constraint for wOcra controller
 ContactAvoidanceConstraint.hDefine contact avoidance constraint for wOcra controller
 ContactSet.hFactory classes and functions to build sets of contact frames
 ControlConstraint.hDefine base class that can be used as constraints in wOcra controller
 ControlEnum.hSome enumerations for the control
 ControlFrame.hClasses that represent frames
 Controller.hController interface
 ControlThread.cppA class for launching generic control threads
 ControlThread.hA class for launching generic control threads
 controlUtils.hControl utility functions
 DiagonalLinearFunction.hDeclaration file of the DiagonalLinearFunction class
 DotProductFunction.hDeclaration file of the DotProductFunction class
 DoubleDiagonalLinearFunction.hDeclaration file of the DoubleDiagonalLinearFunction class
 DynamicEquationFunction.hDeclaration file of the DynamicEquationFunction class
 Feature.hA class hierarchy to compute task errors based on control frames
 FileOperations.hSome FileOperations function for debbuging purpose
 FSQPConstraintManager.hDeclaration file of the FSQPConstraintManager class
 FSQPSolver.hDeclaration file of the FSQPSolver class
 FullDynamicEquationFunction.cppImplement base class that can be used as constraints in wOcra controller
 FullDynamicEquationFunction.hDefine base class that can be used as constraints in wOcra controller
 Function.hDeclaration file of the Function class
 FunctionInterfaceMapping.hDeclaration file of the FunctionInterfaceMapping struct
 FunctionUtilities.hDeclaration file of the FunctionProperties class
 GHCJTController.cppImplement the quasi-static Generalized Hierarchical Control based on Jacobian Transpose (GHCJT)
 GHCJTController.hDefine the Generalized Hierarchical Controller based on Jacobian transpose (GHCJT) in quasi-static case
 GHCJTTask.cppImplement task class for GHCJT controller. It inherits from the task class defined in the ocra framework
 GHCJTTask.hDefine task class for GHCJT controller. It inherits from the task class defined in the ocra framework
 gOcraDebug.cppImplementation to get debugging information
 gOcraDebug.hDebug trace
 IdentityFunction.hDeclaration file of the IdentityFunction class
 IFunction.hDeclaration file of the IFunction interface
 JointLimitConstraint.cppImplement joint limit constraint for wOcra controller
 JointLimitConstraint.hDefine joint limit constraint for wOcra controller
 LinearFunction.hDeclaration file of the LinearFunction class
 LinearizedCoulombFunction.hDeclaration file of the LinearizedCoulombFunction class
 LinearTask.hDeclaration file of the LinearTask class
 MathTypes.hDeclaration file of the OptimizationVariable class
 Model.hDeclaration file of the Model class
 ModelContacts.hDeclaration file of the ModelContacts class
 NewtonSolver.hDeclaration file of the NewtonSolver class
 Objective.hDeclaration file of the Objective class
 ObjQLD.hDeclaration file of the ObjQLD class. This class should be merged with ocra::ObjQLD. It has been created to have a cml-free solver
 ObserverSubject.hDeclaration file of the Observer, Subject and ObserverSubject classes
 ObserverSubjectBase.hDeclaration file of the Observer and Subject base classes
 OneLevelSolver.hDefine the internal solver class that can be used in the wOcra controller
 OrthonormalFamily.cppOrthonormal Family computation for Generalized Hierarchical Control (GHC)
 PartialState.cppImplement partial state classes that can be used to control some joints of the robot
 PartialState.hDefine partial state classes that can be used to control some joints of the robot
 QLDSolver.hDeclaration file of the QLDSolver class
 QuadraticFunction.hDeclaration file of the QuadraticFunction class
 QuadraticSolver.hDeclaration file of the QuadraticSolver class
 RowFunction.hDeclaration file of the RowFunction class
 SecondOrderLinearTask.hDeclaration file of the SecondOrderLinearTask class
 Solver.hDeclaration file of the Solver class
 SquaredLinearFunction.hDeclaration file of the SquaredLinearFunction class
 SubtractionFunction.hDeclaration file of the SubtractionFunction class
 TestFunction.hA set of tutorial/test for the Function class
 TorqueLimitConstraint.cppImplement torque limit constraint for wOcra controller
 TorqueLimitConstraint.hDefine torque limit constraint for wOcra controller
 TrajectoryThread.cppA thread for launching trajectory generators
 TrajectoryThread.hA thread for launching trajectory generators
 Variable.hDeclaration file of the Variable class
 VariableMapping.hDeclaration file of the VariableMapping class
 WeightedSquareDistanceFunction.hDeclaration file of the WeightedSquareDistanceFunction class
 WocraController.cppImplement the LQP-based controller developped during my PhD thesis with ocra framework
 WocraController.hDefine the LQP-based controller developped during my PhD thesis with ocra framework
 WocraDebug.cppImplementation to get debugging information
 WocraDebug.hDebug trace