►Ngocra | |
►CGHCJTController | GOcra Controller based on LQP solver for the ocra framework |
CPimpl | |
►CGHCJTTask | A generic abstract task for the GHCJT controller |
CPimpl | |
CgOcraCoMTaskManager | Task Manager for the Center of Mass (CoM) task with the gOcra Controller |
CgOcraContactSetTaskManager | Task Manager for a set of contact tasks |
CgOcraContactTaskManager | Task Manager for a contact task |
CgOcraFullPostureTaskManager | GOcra Task Manager for the joint space posture |
CgOcraPartialPostureTaskManager | Task Manager for partal joint posture task |
CgOcraSegCartesianTaskManager | Task Manager for the cartesian position of a specified segment |
CgOcraSegOrientationTaskManager | Task Manager for the Center of Mass (CoM) task with the gOcra Controller |
CgOcraSegPoseTaskManager | Task Manager for a segment's pose |
CgOcraTaskManagerBase | Task Manager for the Center of Mass (CoM) task with the gOcra Controllers |
CgOcraTaskManagerCollectionBase | |
COrthonormalFamily | |
CPerformanceRecorder | To get and save time information to collect some data on performances |
►Nhocra | |
CHocraController | Hocra Controller based on LQP solver for the ocra framework |
►Nocra | Optimization-based Robot Controller namespace. a library of classes to write and solve optimization problems dedicated to the control of multi-body systems |
►NfsqpDetails | |
CGrd | |
CInfo | |
CLog | |
CPrnt | |
►Nutils | |
Cadd_functor | |
Cassign_functor | |
Cmax_functor | |
Cmin_functor | |
Cspecialized_max | |
Cspecialized_max< double, double > | |
Cspecialized_min | |
Cspecialized_min< double, double > | |
Cuncompress | |
CAbilitySet | |
CBaseVariable | Implements a basic variable |
CBoundFunction | BoundFunction class |
CBuffer | |
CCartesianTaskBuilder | |
CCascadeQP | CascadeQP class |
►CCascadeQPSolver | CascadeQPSolver class |
CStandardObjectivesAndConstraints | |
CCmlQuadraticSolver | CmlQuadraticSolver class |
►CCoMFrame | Creates a frame whose center is at the CoM of the model and whose axes are parallel to the axes of the world frame |
CPimpl | |
CComponent | Base class for the Component class of the Composite pattern |
CComposite | Base class for the Composite class of the Composite pattern |
CCompositeVariable | A concatenation of base variables and other composite variables |
CComTaskBuilder | |
CConstraint | Constraint class |
CConstraint< Function > | |
CConstraintSet | ConstraintSet class |
CConstraintSet< Function > | |
CContactAvoidanceConstraint | |
CContactAvoidanceFunction | Create a linear function that represents the joint limit function |
►CContactConstraintFeature | Used to build contact constraint tasks (null acceleration) |
CPimpl | |
CContactSet | Contact task factory |
CControlConstraint | |
CControlFrame | Generic representation of a frame: gives access to its position, velocity, jacobian.. |
►CController | Interface for controllers |
CPimpl | |
CCoupledInputOutputSize | |
CDiagonalLinearFunction | DiagonalLinearFunction class |
►CDisplacementFeature | Used to build position/orientation tasks |
CPimpl | |
CDotProductFunction | DotProductFunction class |
CDoubleDiagonalLinearFunction | DoubleDiagonalLinearFunction class |
CDynamicEquationFunction | DynamicEquationFunction class |
CEqualitiesConstraints | |
CEqualZeroConstraintPtr | |
CEx1Pb | |
CEx2Pb | |
CEx3Pb | |
CEx4Pb | |
CEx5Pb | |
CExperimentalTrajectory | |
CFcQuadraticFunction | |
CFeature | Feature interface, used by tasks to compute errors and jacobians |
CFinalSolution | |
►CFSQPConstraintManager | FSQPConstraintManager class |
CMapping | |
CFSQPSolver | FSQPSolver class |
CFullContactAvoidanceFunction | Create a linear function that represents the contact avoidance function for the full formalism |
►CFullDynamicEquationFunction | Create a linear function that represents the dynamic equation of motion |
CPimpl | |
►CFullJointLimitFunction | Create a linear function that represents the joint limit function for the full formalism |
CPimpl | |
►CFullModelState | |
CPimpl | |
CFullPostureTaskBuilder | |
►CFullState | |
CPimpl | |
►CFullStateFeature | Used to build tasks in the manikin configuration space |
CPimpl | |
►CFullTargetState | |
CPimpl | |
CFunction | Function class |
CFunctionInterfaceMapping | |
CFunctionInterfaceMapping< X< Function > > | |
CGaussianProcessTrajectory | |
CGreaterThanZeroConstraintPtr | |
CHierarchyLevel | |
CHierarchyLevel_barre | |
CIdentityFunction | IdentityFunction class |
CIFunction | Computation ability of a ocra function |
CIFunctionProperties | |
CInequalitiesConstraints | |
CInvoker | |
CInvoker< T, EVT, false > | |
CInvoker< T, EVT, true > | |
CInvoker< void, EVT, false > | |
CInvoker< void, EVT, true > | |
CInvokerBase | |
CJointLimitConstraint | |
CJointLimitFunction | Create a linear function that represents the joint limit function |
CLeaf | Base class for the Leaf class of the Composite pattern |
CLessThanZeroConstraintPtr | |
CLinearFunction | LinearFunction class |
CLinearInterpolationTrajectory | |
CLinearizedCoulombFunction | LinearizedCoulombFunction class |
CLinearTask | LinearTask class |
CMatrixPQ | |
CMergedVariable | |
CMinimumJerkTrajectory | |
CModel | Model class |
►CModelContacts | ModelContacts class |
CPimpl | |
CNamedInstance | |
►CNewtonSolver | NewtonSolver class |
CeNewtonInfo | |
CNoInfo | Empty information block to attach to a parenthood relationship between a Composite and a Component |
CObjective | Objective class |
CObjective< Function > | |
CObjectivePtr | |
CObjQLD | ObjQLD class |
CObserver | |
CObserverBase | Base class for Observers with propagation system |
CObserverSubject | |
Cocra_static_assert | |
Cocra_static_assert< true > | |
COFSQPProblem | |
COneLevelSolver | A generic abstract class the solvers that can be used in the wOcra Controller |
COneLevelSolverWithQLD | Solver class that only consider one level of importance for all tasks using QLD |
COneLevelSolverWithQPOASES | Solver class that only consider one level of importance for all tasks using QPOASES |
COneLevelSolverWithQuadProg | Solver class that only consider one level of importance for all tasks using Quadprog++ |
COptimizationResult | |
►COrientationFeature | Used to build orientation tasks |
CPimpl | |
COrientationTaskBuilder | |
►CParenthood | Stores information about a Parent/Child relationship in the Composite design pattern |
CchildIs | |
CparentIs | Functors to locate a parent or a child |
►CPartialModelState | A partial state of the model |
CPimpl | |
CPartialPostureTaskBuilder | |
►CPartialState | A abstract partial state |
CPimpl | |
►CPartialStateFeature | Used to build tasks in a partial configuration space |
CPimpl | |
►CPartialTargetState | A target for a model partial state |
CPimpl | |
CPb114G10 | |
CPb114G11 | |
CPb114G5 | |
►CPointContactFeature | Used to build point contact tasks |
CPimpl | |
CPointContactTaskBuilder | |
CPoseTaskBuilder | |
►CPositionFeature | Used to build positioning tasks |
CPimpl | |
CQLDSolver | QLDSolver class |
CQuadraticFunction | QuadraticFunction class |
CQuadraticSolver | QuadraticSolver class |
►CReducedContactAvoidanceFunction | Create a linear function that represents the contact avoidance function for the reduced formalism |
CPimpl | |
►CReducedJointLimitFunction | Create a linear function that represents the joint limit function for the reduced formalism |
CPimpl | |
Creturn_type_traits | Type and function definitions for the return types |
CRowFunction | RowFunction class |
CSecondOrderLinearTask | SecondOrderLinearTask class |
►CSegmentFrame | A frame attached to a segment of a model |
CPimpl | |
CSolution | |
CSolver | Solver class |
CSquaredLinearFunction | SquaredLinearFunction class |
CSubject | |
CSubjectBase | |
CSubjectBaseTraits | |
CSubjectBaseTraits< EVT, void > | |
CSubjectBaseTraitsBase | Base class for objects who can raise events, |
CSubtractionFunction | SubtractionFunction class |
CSumOfLinearFunctions | |
►CTargetFrame | Represents a 'target', i.e. something that does not depend on a model but must match with another frame |
CPimpl | |
►CTask | |
CPimpl | |
CTaskBuilder | |
CTaskBuilderOptions | |
CTaskConstructionManager | |
CTaskMessageHandler | |
CTaskState | |
►CTaskYarpInterface | |
CControlInputCallback | Short description |
CRpcMessageCallback | Short description |
CStateUpdateThread | Short description |
CTimeOptimalTrajectory | |
CTorqueLimitConstraint | |
CTorqueLimitFunction | Create a linear function that represents the torque limit function |
CTrajectory | |
CVariable | This class represents a variable in a mathematical sense |
CVariableChiFunction | |
CVariableHasRestrictedClassDerivation | |
CVariableMapping | A class to manage the relative mapping of a variable with respect to another one |
CVariableParenthood | This class stores information about a composite-component relationship |
CWeightedSquareDistanceFunction | WeightedSquareDistanceFunction class |
►Nocra_recipes | |
►CClientCommunications | |
CInputCallback | |
►CClientManager | The controller module which launches the controller thread |
CmoduleCallback | A callback function which binds the rpc server port opened in the contoller server module to the controller thread's parsing function |
CControllerClient | |
CControllerServer | |
►CControlThread | |
CinputCallback | |
CRobotState | A portable class for sending robot state information over yarp |
CServerCommunications | |
CStateListener | A callback for a port listing to robot states |
►CTaskConnection | |
CDesiredStateInputCallback | |
CInputCallback | |
CTaskParameters | |
CTrajectoryThread | |
►Nwocra | Contains all the abstract & concrete classes for robotic control with optimization, based on the ocra framework |
CPerformanceRecorder | To get and save time information to collect some data on performances |
►CWocraController | Wocra Controller based on LQP solver for the ocra framework |
CPimpl | |
CControlInputCallback | Short description |
CFunction1 | |
CFunction2 | |
CFunction3 | |
CIsirDebugTrace | |
►CModel3T | |
CPimpl | |
CMyFunction | |
Cocra_assertion_fired | |
CTaskBuilderOptions | This class is used to store the "options" that characterize a particular. Examples of these options are Task name, Task type, Segment, kp, kd, weight, weights, axes, hierarchyLevel, offset, jointIndexes and desired. More detailed descriptions are found in the class TaskConstructionManager. For a few examples, please refer to ocra-wbi-plugins/ocra-icub-server/app/robots/icubGazeboSim/taskSets/ |
CTaskConstructionManager | This class is used to parse an XML file with the description of a number of tasks. These tasks can be of type: fullposture, cartesian, com, orientation and pointcontact. For a few examples, please refer to ocra-wbi-plugins/ocra-icub-server/app/robots/icubGazeboSim/taskSets/ |
CWocraDebugTrace | |