►Cocra::AbilitySet | |
►Cocra::Function | Function class |
CFunction1 | |
CFunction2 | |
CFunction3 | |
CMyFunction | |
Cocra::DotProductFunction | DotProductFunction class |
►Cocra::LinearFunction | LinearFunction class |
►Cocra::ContactAvoidanceFunction | Create a linear function that represents the joint limit function |
Cocra::FullContactAvoidanceFunction | Create a linear function that represents the contact avoidance function for the full formalism |
Cocra::ReducedContactAvoidanceFunction | Create a linear function that represents the contact avoidance function for the reduced formalism |
►Cocra::DiagonalLinearFunction | DiagonalLinearFunction class |
Cocra::BoundFunction | BoundFunction class |
Cocra::IdentityFunction | IdentityFunction class |
Cocra::DoubleDiagonalLinearFunction | DoubleDiagonalLinearFunction class |
Cocra::DynamicEquationFunction | DynamicEquationFunction class |
Cocra::FullDynamicEquationFunction | Create a linear function that represents the dynamic equation of motion |
►Cocra::JointLimitFunction | Create a linear function that represents the joint limit function |
Cocra::FullJointLimitFunction | Create a linear function that represents the joint limit function for the full formalism |
Cocra::ReducedJointLimitFunction | Create a linear function that represents the joint limit function for the reduced formalism |
Cocra::LinearizedCoulombFunction | LinearizedCoulombFunction class |
Cocra::LinearTask | LinearTask class |
Cocra::SecondOrderLinearTask | SecondOrderLinearTask class |
Cocra::SumOfLinearFunctions | |
Cocra::TorqueLimitFunction | Create a linear function that represents the torque limit function |
Cocra::VariableChiFunction | |
Cocra::Pb114G10 | |
Cocra::Pb114G11 | |
Cocra::Pb114G5 | |
►Cocra::QuadraticFunction | QuadraticFunction class |
Cocra::FcQuadraticFunction | |
Cocra::SquaredLinearFunction | SquaredLinearFunction class |
Cocra::WeightedSquareDistanceFunction | WeightedSquareDistanceFunction class |
Cocra::SubtractionFunction | SubtractionFunction class |
Cocra::utils::add_functor< T, U > | |
Cocra::utils::assign_functor< T, U > | |
Cocra::Buffer< T > | |
Cocra::Buffer< double > | |
Cocra::CascadeQP | CascadeQP class |
Cocra::Parenthood< ComponentDerived, CompositeDerived, ParenthoodInfo >::childIs | |
Cocra::Component< ComponentDerived, CompositeDerived, ParenthoodInfo > | Base class for the Component class of the Composite pattern |
►Cocra::Component< Variable, CompositeVariable, VariableParenthood > | |
►Cocra::Variable | This class represents a variable in a mathematical sense |
Cocra::BaseVariable | Implements a basic variable |
Cocra::CompositeVariable | A concatenation of base variables and other composite variables |
Cocra::Composite< ComponentDerived, CompositeDerived, ParenthoodInfo > | Base class for the Composite class of the Composite pattern |
►Cocra::Composite< Variable, CompositeVariable, VariableParenthood > | |
Cocra::CompositeVariable | A concatenation of base variables and other composite variables |
Cocra::ConstraintSet< T > | ConstraintSet class |
Cocra::ConstraintSet< Function > | |
►Cocra::ControlConstraint | |
Cocra::ContactAvoidanceConstraint | |
Cocra::JointLimitConstraint | |
CControlInputCallback | Short description |
Cocra_recipes::ControllerServer | |
►Cocra::CoupledInputOutputSize | |
Cocra::Function | Function class |
Cocra::NewtonSolver::eNewtonInfo | |
Cocra::EqualitiesConstraints | |
Cocra::EqualZeroConstraintPtr< T > | |
Cocra::EqualZeroConstraintPtr< LinearFunction > | |
Cocra::EqualZeroConstraintPtr< ocra::FullDynamicEquationFunction > | |
Cocra::EqualZeroConstraintPtr< ocra::LinearFunction > | |
Cocra::EqualZeroConstraintPtr< ocra::ocra::FullDynamicEquationFunction > | |
Cocra::EqualZeroConstraintPtr< SumOfLinearFunctions > | |
Cocra::FinalSolution | |
Cocra::FSQPConstraintManager | FSQPConstraintManager class |
Cocra::FunctionInterfaceMapping< Derived > | |
►Cocra::FunctionInterfaceMapping< Constraint< Function > > | |
Cocra::Constraint< Function > | |
►Cocra::FunctionInterfaceMapping< Constraint< T > > | |
►Cocra::Constraint< T > | Constraint class |
Cocra::TorqueLimitConstraint | |
►Cocra::FunctionInterfaceMapping< Objective< Function > > | |
Cocra::Objective< Function > | |
►Cocra::FunctionInterfaceMapping< Objective< ocra::SquaredLinearFunction > > | |
Cocra::Objective< ocra::SquaredLinearFunction > | |
►Cocra::FunctionInterfaceMapping< Objective< SquaredLinearFunction > > | |
Cocra::Objective< SquaredLinearFunction > | |
►Cocra::FunctionInterfaceMapping< Objective< T > > | |
Cocra::Objective< T > | Objective class |
Cocra::FunctionInterfaceMapping< X< Function > > | |
►CfunctionType_t | |
Cocra::RowFunction< T > | RowFunction class |
►Cgocra::gOcraTaskManagerBase | Task Manager for the Center of Mass (CoM) task with the gOcra Controllers |
Cgocra::gOcraCoMTaskManager | Task Manager for the Center of Mass (CoM) task with the gOcra Controller |
Cgocra::gOcraContactSetTaskManager | Task Manager for a set of contact tasks |
Cgocra::gOcraContactTaskManager | Task Manager for a contact task |
Cgocra::gOcraFullPostureTaskManager | GOcra Task Manager for the joint space posture |
Cgocra::gOcraPartialPostureTaskManager | Task Manager for partal joint posture task |
Cgocra::gOcraSegCartesianTaskManager | Task Manager for the cartesian position of a specified segment |
Cgocra::gOcraSegOrientationTaskManager | Task Manager for the Center of Mass (CoM) task with the gOcra Controller |
Cgocra::gOcraSegPoseTaskManager | Task Manager for a segment's pose |
Cgocra::gOcraTaskManagerCollectionBase | |
Cocra::fsqpDetails::Grd | |
Cocra::GreaterThanZeroConstraintPtr< T > | |
Cocra::HierarchyLevel | |
Cocra::HierarchyLevel_barre | |
►Cocra::IFunctionProperties | |
Cocra::Function | Function class |
Cocra::InequalitiesConstraints | |
Cocra::fsqpDetails::Info | |
Cocra::Invoker< T, EVT, T_isDerivedFromObserverBase > | |
Cocra::Invoker< void, EVT, true > | |
►Cocra::InvokerBase< EVT > | |
Cocra::Invoker< T, EVT, false > | |
Cocra::Invoker< T, EVT, true > | |
Cocra::Invoker< void, EVT, false > | |
►CIsDerivedFrom | |
Cocra::RowFunction< T > | RowFunction class |
CIsirDebugTrace | |
Cocra::Leaf< LeafDerived > | Base class for the Leaf class of the Composite pattern |
►Cocra::Leaf< BaseVariable > | |
Cocra::BaseVariable | Implements a basic variable |
Cocra::LessThanZeroConstraintPtr< T > | |
Cocra::LessThanZeroConstraintPtr< LinearizedCoulombFunction > | |
Cocra::LessThanZeroConstraintPtr< ocra::LinearizedCoulombFunction > | |
Cocra::fsqpDetails::Log | |
Cocra::FSQPConstraintManager::Mapping | |
Cocra::MatrixPQ | |
Cocra::utils::max_functor< T, U > | |
Cocra::utils::min_functor< T, U > | |
►Cocra::NamedInstance | |
Cocra::ContactSet | Contact task factory |
►Cocra::ControlFrame | Generic representation of a frame: gives access to its position, velocity, jacobian.. |
Cocra::CoMFrame | Creates a frame whose center is at the CoM of the model and whose axes are parallel to the axes of the world frame |
Cocra::SegmentFrame | A frame attached to a segment of a model |
Cocra::TargetFrame | Represents a 'target', i.e. something that does not depend on a model but must match with another frame |
►Cocra::Controller | Interface for controllers |
Cgocra::GHCJTController | GOcra Controller based on LQP solver for the ocra framework |
Chocra::HocraController | Hocra Controller based on LQP solver for the ocra framework |
Cwocra::WocraController | Wocra Controller based on LQP solver for the ocra framework |
►Cocra::Feature | Feature interface, used by tasks to compute errors and jacobians |
Cocra::ContactConstraintFeature | Used to build contact constraint tasks (null acceleration) |
Cocra::DisplacementFeature | Used to build position/orientation tasks |
Cocra::FullStateFeature | Used to build tasks in the manikin configuration space |
Cocra::OrientationFeature | Used to build orientation tasks |
Cocra::PartialStateFeature | Used to build tasks in a partial configuration space |
Cocra::PointContactFeature | Used to build point contact tasks |
Cocra::PositionFeature | Used to build positioning tasks |
►Cocra::FullState | |
Cocra::FullModelState | |
Cocra::FullTargetState | |
Cocra::Function | Function class |
►Cocra::Model | Model class |
CModel3T | |
►Cocra::PartialState | A abstract partial state |
Cocra::PartialModelState | A partial state of the model |
Cocra::PartialTargetState | A target for a model partial state |
►Cocra::Solver | Solver class |
Cocra::CascadeQPSolver | CascadeQPSolver class |
Cocra::FSQPSolver | FSQPSolver class |
Cocra::NewtonSolver | NewtonSolver class |
►Cocra::OneLevelSolver | A generic abstract class the solvers that can be used in the wOcra Controller |
Cocra::OneLevelSolverWithQLD | Solver class that only consider one level of importance for all tasks using QLD |
Cocra::OneLevelSolverWithQPOASES | Solver class that only consider one level of importance for all tasks using QPOASES |
Cocra::OneLevelSolverWithQuadProg | Solver class that only consider one level of importance for all tasks using Quadprog++ |
►Cocra::QuadraticSolver | QuadraticSolver class |
Cocra::CmlQuadraticSolver | CmlQuadraticSolver class |
Cocra::QLDSolver | QLDSolver class |
►Cocra::Task | |
Cgocra::GHCJTTask | A generic abstract task for the GHCJT controller |
Cocra::NoInfo | Empty information block to attach to a parenthood relationship between a Composite and a Component |
►Cnoncopyable | |
Cocra::ControlFrame | Generic representation of a frame: gives access to its position, velocity, jacobian.. |
Cocra::Controller | Interface for controllers |
Cocra::Feature | Feature interface, used by tasks to compute errors and jacobians |
Cocra::Parenthood< ComponentDerived, CompositeDerived, ParenthoodInfo > | Stores information about a Parent/Child relationship in the Composite design pattern |
Cocra::Variable | This class represents a variable in a mathematical sense |
Cocra::ObjectivePtr< T > | |
Cocra::ObjectivePtr< ocra::ocra::QuadraticFunction > | |
Cocra::ObjectivePtr< ocra::QuadraticFunction > | |
Cocra::ObjQLD | ObjQLD class |
Cocra::ObserverBase< EVT > | Base class for Observers with propagation system |
►Cocra::ObserverBase< EVT_CHANGE_DEPENDENCIES > | |
►Cocra::Observer | |
►Cocra::ObserverSubject | |
Cocra::Function | Function class |
Cocra::MergedVariable | |
Cocra::Model | Model class |
Cocra::ModelContacts | ModelContacts class |
Cocra::Solver | Solver class |
Cocra::Variable | This class represents a variable in a mathematical sense |
►Cocra::ObserverBase< EVT_CHANGE_VALUE > | |
Cocra::Observer | |
►Cocra::ObserverBase< EVT_RESIZE > | |
Cocra::Observer | |
Cocra_assertion_fired | |
Cocra::Function | Function class |
►Cocra_function_traits | |
Cocra::IFunction< Property > | Computation ability of a ocra function |
Cocra::ocra_static_assert< condition > | |
Cocra::ocra_static_assert< true > | |
Cocra::OFSQP | |
►Cocra::OFSQPProblem | |
Cocra::Ex1Pb | |
Cocra::Ex2Pb | |
Cocra::Ex3Pb | |
Cocra::Ex4Pb | |
Cocra::Ex5Pb | |
Cocra::FSQPSolver | FSQPSolver class |
Cocra::OptimizationResult | |
Cgocra::OrthonormalFamily | |
Cocra::Parenthood< ComponentDerived, CompositeDerived, ParenthoodInfo >::parentIs | Functors to locate a parent or a child |
Cwocra::PerformanceRecorder | To get and save time information to collect some data on performances |
Cgocra::PerformanceRecorder | To get and save time information to collect some data on performances |
Cocra::ReducedJointLimitFunction::Pimpl | |
Cocra::ModelContacts::Pimpl | |
Cwocra::WocraController::Pimpl | |
Cocra::FullDynamicEquationFunction::Pimpl | |
Cocra::ReducedContactAvoidanceFunction::Pimpl | |
Cgocra::GHCJTController::Pimpl | |
Cocra::FullJointLimitFunction::Pimpl | |
Cocra::TargetFrame::Pimpl | |
Cocra::SegmentFrame::Pimpl | |
Cocra::CoMFrame::Pimpl | |
Cocra::Controller::Pimpl | |
Cocra::PositionFeature::Pimpl | |
Cocra::OrientationFeature::Pimpl | |
Cocra::ContactConstraintFeature::Pimpl | |
Cocra::PartialStateFeature::Pimpl | |
Cocra::PartialModelState::Pimpl | |
Cocra::FullTargetState::Pimpl | |
Cocra::PartialState::Pimpl | |
CModel3T::Pimpl | |
Cocra::Task::Pimpl | |
Cocra::FullModelState::Pimpl | |
Cgocra::GHCJTTask::Pimpl | |
Cocra::DisplacementFeature::Pimpl | |
Cocra::PartialTargetState::Pimpl | |
Cocra::FullStateFeature::Pimpl | |
Cocra::PointContactFeature::Pimpl | |
Cocra::FullState::Pimpl | |
►CPortable | |
Cocra_recipes::RobotState | A portable class for sending robot state information over yarp |
►CPortReader | |
Cocra::TaskYarpInterface::ControlInputCallback | Short description |
Cocra::TaskYarpInterface::RpcMessageCallback | Short description |
Cocra_recipes::ClientCommunications | |
Cocra_recipes::ClientCommunications::InputCallback | |
Cocra_recipes::ClientManager::moduleCallback | A callback function which binds the rpc server port opened in the contoller server module to the controller thread's parsing function |
Cocra_recipes::ControlThread::inputCallback | |
Cocra_recipes::ServerCommunications | |
Cocra_recipes::StateListener | A callback for a port listing to robot states |
Cocra_recipes::TaskConnection::DesiredStateInputCallback | |
Cocra_recipes::TaskConnection::InputCallback | |
Cocra::fsqpDetails::Prnt | |
►CRateThread | |
Cocra::TaskYarpInterface::StateUpdateThread | Short description |
Cocra_recipes::ControllerClient | |
Cocra_recipes::ControlThread | |
Cocra_recipes::TrajectoryThread | |
Cocra::return_type_traits< T > | Type and function definitions for the return types |
►CRFModule | |
Cocra_recipes::ClientManager | The controller module which launches the controller thread |
Cocra::Solution | |
Cocra::utils::specialized_max< T, U > | |
Cocra::utils::specialized_max< double, double > | |
Cocra::utils::specialized_min< T, U > | |
Cocra::utils::specialized_min< double, double > | |
Cocra::CascadeQPSolver::StandardObjectivesAndConstraints | |
Cocra::SubjectBase< EVT > | |
►Cocra::SubjectBase< EVT_CHANGE_DEPENDENCIES > | |
►Cocra::Subject | |
Cocra::ObserverSubject | |
►Cocra::SubjectBase< EVT_CHANGE_VALUE > | |
Cocra::Subject | |
►Cocra::SubjectBase< EVT_CSTR_CHANGE_BOUNDS_NUMBER > | |
Cocra::Constraint< Function > | |
►Cocra::SubjectBase< EVT_RESIZE > | |
Cocra::Subject | |
►Cocra::SubjectBaseTraitsBase< EVT > | Base class for objects who can raise events, |
Cocra::SubjectBaseTraits< EVT, T > | |
Cocra::SubjectBaseTraits< EVT, void > | |
►Cocra::TaskBuilder | |
Cocra::CartesianTaskBuilder | |
Cocra::ComTaskBuilder | |
Cocra::FullPostureTaskBuilder | |
Cocra::OrientationTaskBuilder | |
Cocra::PartialPostureTaskBuilder | |
Cocra::PointContactTaskBuilder | |
Cocra::PoseTaskBuilder | |
CTaskBuilderOptions | This class is used to store the "options" that characterize a particular. Examples of these options are Task name, Task type, Segment, kp, kd, weight, weights, axes, hierarchyLevel, offset, jointIndexes and desired. More detailed descriptions are found in the class TaskConstructionManager. For a few examples, please refer to ocra-wbi-plugins/ocra-icub-server/app/robots/icubGazeboSim/taskSets/ |
Cocra::TaskBuilderOptions | |
Cocra_recipes::TaskConnection | |
Cocra::TaskConstructionManager | |
CTaskConstructionManager | This class is used to parse an XML file with the description of a number of tasks. These tasks can be of type: fullposture, cartesian, com, orientation and pointcontact. For a few examples, please refer to ocra-wbi-plugins/ocra-icub-server/app/robots/icubGazeboSim/taskSets/ |
Cocra::TaskMessageHandler | |
Cocra_recipes::TaskParameters | |
Cocra::TaskState | |
Cocra::TaskYarpInterface | |
►Cocra::Trajectory | |
Cocra::ExperimentalTrajectory | |
Cocra::GaussianProcessTrajectory | |
Cocra::LinearInterpolationTrajectory | |
Cocra::MinimumJerkTrajectory | |
Cocra::TimeOptimalTrajectory | |
Cocra::utils::uncompress< Functor, ApplyMappingToOut > | |
►Cocra::VariableHasRestrictedClassDerivation | |
Cocra::Variable | This class represents a variable in a mathematical sense |
Cocra::VariableMapping | A class to manage the relative mapping of a variable with respect to another one |
Cocra::VariableParenthood | This class stores information about a composite-component relationship |
CWocraDebugTrace | |