Doxygen documentation for the ocra-recipes repository
Files | |
file | AbilitySet.h [code] |
file | BoundFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the BoundFunction class. | |
file | Buffer.h [code] |
file | CascadeQP.h [code] |
Declaration file of the CascadeQP class. | |
file | CascadeQPSolver.h [code] |
Declaration file of the CascadeQPSolver class. | |
file | CascadeQPStructures.h [code] |
Declaration file of the structures needed in CascadeQP. | |
file | CmlQuadraticSolver.h [code] |
Declaration file of the CmlQuadraticSolver class. | |
file | Composite.h [code] |
Utility classes and functions to implement the Composite design pattern. | |
file | Constraint.h [code] |
Declaration file of the Constraint class. | |
file | ConstraintSet.h [code] |
Declaration file of the ConstraintSet class. | |
file | CoupledInputOutputSize.h [code] |
file | DiagonalLinearFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the DiagonalLinearFunction class. | |
file | DotProductFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the DotProductFunction class. | |
file | DoubleDiagonalLinearFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the DoubleDiagonalLinearFunction class. | |
file | FcQuadraticFunction.h [code] |
file | FSQPConstraintManager.h [code] |
Declaration file of the FSQPConstraintManager class. | |
file | FSQPSolver.h [code] |
Declaration file of the FSQPSolver class. | |
file | Function.h [code] |
Declaration file of the Function class. | |
file | FunctionHelpers.h [code] |
file | FunctionInterfaceMapping.h [code] |
Declaration file of the FunctionInterfaceMapping struct. | |
file | FunctionUtilities.h [code] |
Declaration file of the FunctionProperties class. | |
file | IdentityFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the IdentityFunction class. | |
file | IFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the IFunction interface. | |
file | IFunctionProperties.h [code] |
file | LinearFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the LinearFunction class. | |
file | LinearizedCoulombFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the LinearizedCoulombFunction class. | |
file | LinearTask.h [code] |
Declaration file of the LinearTask class. | |
file | MergedVariable.h [code] |
file | NamedInstance.h [code] |
file | NewtonSolver.h [code] |
Declaration file of the NewtonSolver class. | |
file | Objective.h [code] |
Declaration file of the Objective class. | |
file | ObjQLD.h [code] |
Declaration file of the ObjQLD class. This class should be merged with ocra::ObjQLD. It has been created to have a cml-free solver. | |
file | ObserverSubject.h [code] |
Declaration file of the Observer, Subject and ObserverSubject classes. | |
file | ObserverSubjectBase.h [code] |
Declaration file of the Observer and Subject base classes. | |
file | ocra_assert.h [code] |
file | ocra_events.h [code] |
file | OFSQP.h [code] |
file | OneLevelSolver.h [code] |
Define the internal solver class that can be used in the wOcra controller. | |
file | QLDSolver.h [code] |
Declaration file of the QLDSolver class. | |
file | QuadProg++.h [code] |
file | QuadraticFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the QuadraticFunction class. | |
file | QuadraticSolver.h [code] |
Declaration file of the QuadraticSolver class. | |
file | RowFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the RowFunction class. | |
file | SecondOrderLinearTask.h [code] |
Declaration file of the SecondOrderLinearTask class. | |
file | Solver.h [code] |
Declaration file of the Solver class. | |
file | SolverUtilities.h [code] |
file | SolverUtilities.hxx [code] |
file | SquaredLinearFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the SquaredLinearFunction class. | |
file | SubtractionFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the SubtractionFunction class. | |
file | SumOfLinearFunctions.h [code] |
file | TestFunction.h [code] |
A set of tutorial/test for the Function class. | |
file | uncompress.h [code] |
file | Variable.h [code] |
Declaration file of the Variable class. | |
file | VariableChiFunction.h [code] |
file | VariableMapping.h [code] |
Declaration file of the VariableMapping class. | |
file | WeightedSquareDistanceFunction.h [code] |
Declaration file of the WeightedSquareDistanceFunction class. | |