Jorhabib Eljaik


In the page “Sources” you can find the main two components of the OCRA project, namely ocra-recipes and ocra-wbi-plugins, i.e. links to both their source code and documentation. Let us now briefly explain how to update the documentation and have the changes reflected online!

The documentation is currently hosted in the gh-pages branch of the ocra-wbi-plugins repository. This is not meant to be something permanent, but it’s so just for historic reasons. Moreover, the generation of the Doxygen documentation is not so elegant. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Create a directory called html-gh-pages in your local copy of ocra-wbi-plugins (don’t worry, this will be ignored by git).
  2. Checkout only the gh-pages branch.
  3. Compile ocra-recipes and ocra-wbi-plugins with the CMake flag GENERATE_DOCUMENTATION active. Both projects will copy the generated documentation in the previously created directory.
  4. Push your changes to gh-pages from within html-gh-pages We need a way to automate this process and make it ‘propre’.


The references for ocra-recipes can be found here, while those used in ocra-wbi-plugins can be found in this page. If you wish to include references to your published work, you can do so by adding an additional bibtex entry here for ocra-recipes and here for ocra-wbi-plugins.